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World Records
on the 24/02/2019 I was able to make (HISTORY) 11 BALLS !!FIRST TIME EVER DONE ON STAGE!! in front of a live audience,  it has never been done before (with video evidence) I could not be more happy, a unique achievement in the history of juggling
Michael Ferreri >Catalogue of Certificates here
2024 - Most juggling catches in 1 minute with 7 balls - 389 catches -  Date of Record: 03/09/2024 2024 - Most touches of a ball with the head while juggling 6 balls - 103 head bounces - Date of Record: 23/07/2024 2024 - Most touches of a ball with the head while juggling 7 balls - 34 head bounces - Date of Record: 29/05/2024 2023 - Most consecutive 360 spins while juggling 5 balls overhead - 7 spins - Date of Record: 23/06/2023 2023 - Most Juggling Catches in 3 minutes with 6 balls - 925 catches - Date of Record: 18/05/2023 2023 - Most touches of a ball with the head while juggling 4 balls - 221 head bounces - 24/04/2023   2023 - Most consecutive 360 spins while juggling 3 balls overhead - 44 spins - 25/04/2023 2022 - Most 360 degree spins while juggling 4 balls in 1 minute - 33 spins - Date of Record: 20/08/2022   2022 - most consecutive backcross juggling catches with 3 balls - 1,309 catches - Date of Record: 07/08/2022   2022 - Most 360 degree spins while juggling 3 balls in 3 minutes - 117 spins - Date of Record: 23/07/2022   2022 - most juggling catches in 1 minute with 6 balls - 360 catches - Date of Record: 21/07/2022 2022 - most consecutive overhead juggling catches whit 3 balls - 1,512 catches - Date of Record: 22/05/2022 2022 - most 360-degrees spins while juggling 3 balls in 1 minute - 44 spins - Date of Record: 20/04/2022 2021 - Most consecutive overhead juggling catches with 4 balls - 500 catches - Date of Record: 20/08/2021 2021 - Most consecutive overhead juggling catches whit 6 balls - 170 catches - Date of Record: 03/07/2021 2021 - most 360-degrees spins while juggling 6 balls in 1 minute - 14 spins - Date of Record: 14/06/2021 2021 - most juggling catches in 3 minutes with 4 balls - 1,302 catches - Date of Record: 07/04/2021 2021 - Most Juggling Catches in 3 minutes 5 balls - 1,208 catches - Date of Record: 09/02/2021 2021 - Most touches of a ball with the head while juggling 5 balls - 220 head bounces - Date of Record: 29/01/2021 2021 - Most 360 degree spins while juggling 5 balls in three minutes - 56 spins - Date of Record: 26/01/2021 2020 - most touches of a ball with the head while juggling 3 balls - 508 head bounces - Date of Record: 02/11/2020 2020 - Most consecutive juggling catches with one hand 3 balls - 3,291 catches - Date of Record: 05/10/2020 2020 - most consecutive overhead juggling catches whit 3 balls - 855 catches - Date of Record: 13/09/2020 2020 - most consecutive overhead juggling catches whit one hand 3 balls - 200 catches - Date of Record: 07/09/2020 2019 - most 360- degree spins while juggling 3 balls in 3 minutes - 102 spins - Date of Record: 07/11/2019 2019 - most consecutive backcross juggling catches with 3 balls - 433 catches - Date of Record: 02/09/2019 2019 - most 360-degrees spins while juggling 4 balls in 1 minute - 26 spins - Date of Record: 23/06/2019 2019 - most 360-degrees spins while juggling 3 balls in 1 minute - 33 spins - Date of Record: 02/06/2019 2019 - most consecutive overhead juggling catches with 7 balls - 71 catches - Date of Record 30/05/2019 2019 - Most Juggling Catches in 1 minute 3 balls - 558 catches - Date of Record: 25/03/2019 2019 - Most consecutive overhead juggling catches with 5 balls - 356catches - Date of Record: 12/02/2019 2018 - most consecutive juggling catches with 1 hand 4 balls - 202 catches - Date of Record: 13/09/2018 2018 - most 360-degree spins in 1 minute with 5 balls - 19 spins - Date of Record: 03/07/2018 2018 - Most juggling catches in 1 minute with 4 balls - 480 catches - Date of Record: 02/07/2018 2018 - 7 balls most juggling catches in one minute - 376 catches - Date of Record: 18/05/2018 2018 - most juggling catches in a minute with one hand 3 balls: 174 catches - Date of Record: 15/02/2018 2018 - 5 balls most juggling catches in one minute 409 catches - Date of Record: 15/02/2018 2017 -most 6 balls 6 up 360 degrees spins in 1 minute - 13 spins - Date of Record: 03/11/2017 2017 - Most consecutive backcross juggling catches 5 balls - 269 catches - Date of record: 29/10/2017 2017 - 6 balls most juggling catches in one minute - 352 catches - Date of Record: 06/10/2017 2017 - 7 balls most juggling catches in one minute - 345 catches - Date of Record: 18/08/2017 2016 - 5 balls most juggling catches in one minute 388 catches - Date of Record: 10/10/2016 2016 - most juggling catches in one hand 4 balls - 127 catches - Date of Record: 13/06/2016 2016 - 6 Balls overhead: 167 catches - Date of Record: 12/05/2016 2016 - 6 Balls overhead: 104 catches - Date of Record: 02/05/2016
World Records
on the 24/02/2019 I was able to make (HISTORY) 11 BALLS !!FIRST TIME EVER DONE ON STAGE!! in front of a live audience, it has never been done before (with video evidence) I could not be more happy, a unique achiev- ement in the history of juggling
Michael Ferreri >Catalogue of Certificates  here 2024 - Most juggling catches in 1 minute with  7 balls - 389 catches -  Date of Record:  03/09/2024  2024 - Most touches of a ball with the head  while juggling 6 balls - 103 head bounces -  Date of Record: 23/07/2024   Most touches of a ball with the head  while juggling 7 balls - 34 head bounces -  Date of Record: 29/05/2024  2023 - Most consecutive 360 spins while  juggling 5 balls overhead - 7 spins - Date of  Record: 23/06/2023  - Most Juggling Catches in 3 minutes with 6  balls - 925 catches - Date of Record:  18/05/2023  2023 - Most touches of a ball with the head  while juggling 4 balls - 221 head bounces -  24/04/2023   2023 - Most consecutive 360 spins while j uggling 3 balls overhead - 44 spins -  25/04/2023  2022 - Most 360 degree spins while juggling  4 balls in 1 minute - 33 spins - Date of  Record: 20/08/2022   2022 - most consecutive backcross juggling  catches with 3 balls - 1,309 catches - Date of  Record: 07/08/2022   2022 - Most 360 degree spins while juggling  3 balls in 3 minutes - 117 spins - Date of  Record: 23/07/2022   2022 - most juggling catches in 1 minute  with 6 balls - 360 catches - Date of Record:  21/07/2022  2022 - most consecutive overhead juggling  catches whit 3 balls - 1,512 catches - Date of  Record: 22/05/2022  2022 - most 360-degrees spins while juggling 3 balls in 1 minute - 44 spins - Date of  Record: 20/04/2022  2021 - Most consecutive overhead juggling  catches with 4 balls - 500 catches - Date of  Record: 20/08/2021  2021 - Most consecutive overhead juggling  catches whit 6 balls - 170 catches - Date of  Record: 03/07/2021  2021 - most 360-degrees spins while juggling  6 balls in 1 minute - 14 spins - Date of  Record: 14/06/2021  2021 - most juggling catches in 3 minutes  with 4 balls - 1,302 catches - Date of  Record: 07/04/2021  2021 - Most Juggling Catches in 3 minutes  5 balls - 1,208 catches - Date of Record:  09/02/2021  2021 - Most touches of a ball with the head  while juggling 5 balls - 220 head bounces -  Date of Record: 29/01/2021  2021 - Most 360 degree spins while  juggling 5 balls in three minutes - 56 spins -  Date of Record: 26/01/2021  2020 - most touches of a ball with the  head while juggling 3 balls - 508 head  bounces - Date of Record: 02/11/2020  2020 - Most consecutive juggling catches  with one hand 3 balls - 3,291 catches -  Date of Record: 05/10/2020  2020 - most consecutive overhead juggling  catches whit 3 balls - 855 catches - Date of  Record: 13/09/2020  2020 - most consecutive overhead juggling  catches whit one hand 3 balls - 200 catches - Date of Record: 07/09/2020  2019 - most 360- degree spins while  juggling 3 balls in 3 minutes - 102 spins -  Date of Record: 07/11/2019  2019 - most consecutive backcross juggling  catches with 3 balls - 433 catches - Date of  Record: 02/09/2019  2019 - most 360-degrees spins while  juggling 4 balls in 1 minute - 26 spins -  Date of Record: 23/06/2019  2019 - most consecutive overhead juggling  catches with 7 balls - 71 catches - Date of  Record 30/05/2019  2019 - most 360-degrees spins while  juggling 3 balls in 1 minute - 33 spins - Date  of Record: 02/06/2019  2019 - Most Juggling Catches in 1 minute  (3 balls) - 558 catches - Date of Record:  25/03/2019  2019 - Most consecutive overhead juggling  catches with 5 balls - 356 catches - Date of  Record: 12/02/2019  2018 - most consecutive juggling catches  with 1 hand (4 balls) - 202 catches - Date of  Record: 13/09/2018  2018 - Most juggling catches in 1 minute  with 4 balls - 480 catches - Date of Record:  03/07/2018  2018 - most 360-degree spins in 1 minute  with 5 balls - 19 spins - Date of Record: 03/ 07/2018  2018 - 7 balls most juggling catches in one  minute - 376 catches - Date of Record: 18/ 05/2018  2018 - most juggling catches in a minute  with one hand 3 balls: 174 catches - Date  of Record: 15/02/2018  2018 - 5 balls most juggling catches in one  minute 409 catches - Date of Record: 15/02 /2018  2017 -most 6 balls 6 up 360 degrees spins  in 1 minute - 13 spins - Date of Record: 03/ 11/2017  2017 - Most consecutive backcross juggling  catches 5 balls - 269 catches - Date of  record: 29/10/2017  2017 - 6 balls most juggling catches in one  minute - 352 catches - Date of Record: 06/ 10/2017  2017 - 7 balls most juggling catches in one  minute - 345 catches - Date of Record: 18/ 08/2017  2016 - 5 balls most juggling catches in one  minute 388 catches - Date of Record: 10/10 /2016  2016 - most juggling catches in a minute  with one hand 4 balls in 1 hand - 127  catches - Date of Record: 13/06/2016  2016 - 6 Balls overhead: 167 catches - Date  of Record: 12/05/2016  2016 - 6 Balls overhead: 104 catches - Date  of Record: 02/05/2016